This summer there was an article in The NY Times called A New Kind of Tech Job Emphasizes Skills, Not a College Degree.
It discussed a new but promising category in the American labor market: people working in so-called new-collar or middle-skill jobs.

As the United States struggles with how to match good jobs to the two-thirds of adults who do not have a four-year college degree, his experience shows how a worker’s skills can be emphasized over traditional hiring filters like college degrees, work history and personal references. And elevating skills over pedigree creates new pathways to employment and tailored training and a gateway to the middle class.
At Cue Career we see professional associations playing a big role here.
The robots are coming and will displace jobs. Workers will need to up-skill and re-skill.
Today, it is the rise of artificial intelligence in increasingly clever software and machines that is stirring concern. The standard view is that routine work in factories and offices, like bookkeeping or operating basic machinery, is most vulnerable to automation.
At Cue Career we are striving to get students they need to close the skills gap – – but long term we will also help older adults with lifelong learning.
Check out these associations leading in education:
Society of Broadcast Engineers SBE
infoComm – Rebranded to AVIXA:
User Experience Professionals Association UXPA:
Board of Certification for Emergency Room Nursing BCEN
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials IAMPO
American Marketing Association Los Angeles AMALA:
Maine Rural Water Association MRWA:
LA Dental Society: