For Immediate Release
OAKLAND – The Calculus Roundtable and Cue Career announce a joint strategic partnership to provide career education to young people and prepare them for work with some of the most influential trade organizations in the country.
Calculus Roundtable already holds an impressive record of CTE successes in urban school districts. Cue Career allows students to navigate and map paths into various careers.
Cue Career partners with some of this country’s top industry associations, who provide industry specific training in the form of internships, apprenticeships, mentorships, credentialing, and badging. The partnership allows the two, innovative education & workforce development organizations to engage a national audience of schools and districts.
Cue Career and its content will be available in the Calculus Roundtable network of 75 school districts and thousands of STEM students, employers, and institutions of higher education in states, like California that integrate high-quality career and technical education (CTE) programs and Career exploration into high schools.
The partnership will help Calculus Roundtable’s flagship program, the Digital One Room Schoolhouse (DORS) support middle and high school students; particularly the traditionally underserved and students of color- earn online academic badges as they progress through both hands-on and online activities; strengthening students core academic skills along the way.
The program also teaches leadership and other 21st century skills through real and virtual job shadowing, internships and apprenticeships, helping students gain an understanding of what it takes beyond books, to succeed.

“Bridging the skills gap begins with an exposure to new opportunities.” said Nick Hare, CEO and CoFounder of Cue Career. “If young people aren’t exposed to the careers and the resources needed to enter those careers, they can’t prepare for them.” Calculus Roundtable’s DORS program is a STEM based, online classroom where students from all walks of life participate in academic activities that are project based. Calculus Roundtable works with districts to develop curriculum, assess student performance methods and train teachers how to motivate traditionally underserved youths in math and science.
“As kids graduate out of our K12 programs, Cue Career allows us to continue to work with our students as they enter college and pursue their dreams with an established industry partner.”
According to the nonpartisan organization Achieve, nearly 80 percent of college instructors and 60 percent of employers indicate that public high schools fall short in preparing students for postsecondary education.
We are pleased to join with our colleagues to introduce this partnership that will truly promote CTE Excellence and spark life changing experiences for young people.
The partnership serves as a bridge between students, mentors, institutions of higher learning and employers to improve career and technical opportunities for all students.
Schools have a hard time integrating today’s most in demand skills into a traditional public school curriculum courses. “The partnership is a positive step forward”, said Mr. Hollis, “in closing the skills gap by, preparing students for the careers of tomorrow by giving them the skills they to succeed today”